the wanderer
“You are still young! Why dropping it off?” said her surroundings.
p.s. before reading, highly suggest to play I Hate it Here — Taylor Swift. Enjoy reading, loves❤
Years ago, she used to tell herself to achieve things as high as possible, no matter wherever it takes or the consequences after. She told her closest ones that she is going to be this and that, she is that daughter who could not bear to live in her hometown, to pursue something bigger and higher, the one who needs to look into another part of the world.

Later on, she is now living the life that long has been she imagined. All about moving continuously and redoing adaptation to a whole new environment. Before, one thought that once someone reached the moon, one would be over the moon. However, the more she roams the world, the more she doesn’t know where she is heading to. I mean, isn’t it normal? Human do question their existence, indeed. the places has she ever stepped into, she feels content and uncountably infilled with gratitude that she would not trade it for anything, despite those existential questions spinning in her head.
She delves into many different kinds of life until finally, she hits the point that home is still home. No matter how far you go, it is her home that awaits her return. She finds out new perspective that even the wanderer inevitably looks for a home. She believes that before wandering further, the wanderer needs to pause.
“You are still young! Why dropping it off?” said her surroundings, “Because now I found my home.” she said while imagining the day of her mom’s cooking ❤